.COM domain name: globally recognisable and reliable

A .COM domain name is the most well-known and widely used domain extension in the world. It stands for ‘commercial’ and is globally associated with professionalism, reliability and success. Whether you are starting a business, setting up an online shop or launching a personal website, a .COM domain name is an excellent choice.
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Why choose a .COM domain name?

Start today!

Don't wait any longer and lay the foundation for your online success. A .COM domain name is a smart choice to present yourself or your company professionally. Register your unique domain name today and get started!
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Global recognition:
A .COM domain name is recognised and appreciated all over the world. It exudes credibility and gives your website a professional look, regardless of your location.
Ideal for businesses and professionals:
As the most widely used domain extension, .COM is perfect for entrepreneurs, freelancers and organisations that take their online presence seriously.
Easy to remember:
Thanks to its familiarity, a .COM domain is easy to remember and impresses your target audience.
Versatile use:
A .COM domain name is suitable for all types of websites, from business pages and web shops to personal blogs and creative portfolios.
The .COM extension remains one of the most sought-after domain names, making it a worthwhile investment for your online brand.

How do you register a .COM domain name?


Check availability

Use our search function to see if your desired name is still available.


Choose the other extensions

Select the extensions that best suit your goals and prevent others from capturing them.


Register and pay

Follow the steps to register your domain. You will receive immediate confirmation.


Manage your domain

Through our portal, you can manage DNS settings and link your domain to your website and/or e-mail.
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